About Myriadcoin

Five mining algorithms makes all the difference

Myriadcoin addresses the issues with mining centralization, 51% attacks and unfair distribution with a multi-algorithm blockchain.

Using five different mining algorithms may seem like a simple addition but let’s explore more in depth what it really means.

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Years in development




Blocks mined last 24 hours


Yearly inflation rate (last 24 hours)

Daily blocks mined

Date range



The history of Myriadcoin

February, 2014

Myriadcoin was launched by 8bitcoder, forked from Zetacoin. It was the first cryptocurrency to use five proof-of-work algorithms in an effort to increase security as well as broaden the base of people who could mine it - SHA256d and Scrypt for ASIC miners, Skein and Myr-Groestl for GPU miners, and Qubit for GPU and CPU miners.

August, 2015

Myriadcoin hard-forked to allow merge-mining on its SHA256d and Scrypt algorithms in an effort to improve security and achieve a more stable hashrate on those two algorithms.

July, 2016

Myriadcoin is released changing the ticker from MYR to XMY and signaling replacement of Qubit to Yescrypt using mining consensus.

August, 2016

Mining consensus is reached and Myriadcoin succeeds to replace the Qubit algorithm with the Yescrypt algorithm to preserve mining decentralization. Myriadcoin became the first cryptocurrency to use mining consensus to change a mining algorithm.

October, 2018

Longblock is implemented via MIP 3. A gradual increase in block time from 1 to 8 minutes using multiple intervals of block time adjustments. Coin supply and emission rate vs clock time is made sure not to be affected. It is later activated using consensus bit 5.

February, 2019

Algoswap2 is implemented via MIP 4. Swapping Skein to Argon2d. The change is later activated using mining consensus (consensus bit 6).

March, 2020

Myriadcoin is released with improved multi-wallet support and RISC-V support. 0.00000001 XMY is now defined as octibit or obi.



Block Time:

1 minute

Current Block Reward:

250 XMY

Halving Time:

Every 96 week (967680 blocks)

Total Coin Supply:

About 2 Billion XMY

Difficult Adjustment:

Every block


No Premine and No ICO



Scrypt, SHA256D, Yescrypt, Argon2d and Myriad-Groestl

Difficulty Separation:

Each algorithm has separate difficulty

Difficulty Calculation:

Geometric average

Consecutive Block Limit:

6 Consecutive Blocks


Scrypt and SHA256D

Coin Control:


Time Warp Proof:
